This is the time for every Indian to make this event successful as number of sports personalities and peoples from various countries are coming to India to participate in CWG. This is not the right time to raise such issues. Once the game is over then the issues can be raised. What impact we are putting on the visitors mind. Are we building our country's image by raising such issues. This made the whole world to know about the where-abouts of CWG. This sort of politics should be stopped by keeping in mind our country's image & reputation in global scenario. Firstly we should join hands to make the event a huge success and there-after raise the issue as its an internal matter.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Short Ball To Hit The Boundary ; CWG, 2010
This is the time for every Indian to make this event successful as number of sports personalities and peoples from various countries are coming to India to participate in CWG. This is not the right time to raise such issues. Once the game is over then the issues can be raised. What impact we are putting on the visitors mind. Are we building our country's image by raising such issues. This made the whole world to know about the where-abouts of CWG. This sort of politics should be stopped by keeping in mind our country's image & reputation in global scenario. Firstly we should join hands to make the event a huge success and there-after raise the issue as its an internal matter.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Few days ago, Governor and Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh took initiative in making the State GREEN by doing 1-lakh plantation in Naya Raipur. In this programme every minister of the state, people and children took part. It shows that every one is aware of the worse effect of pollution. By any means it should be controlled. This type of initiative should be taken by Community, NGO's, Industries and Social organisation across the country and Government should help them by their active participation.
Each industry houses should adopt some area, garden,cities, villages of his area to make it green. Also industry houses should take a massive step in controlling their unit's pollution by using a latest technology equipment and should also do plantation in their units surroundings. This will help in reducing the causes of global warming. This is the right time,people and industru houses should actively participate in doing plantation.

Pollution controll camp should be organised in every cities, villages and industrial area. This sort of camp will help people aware of the Global Warming and this message should be communicated to the last man. Media can play a very crucial role in giving message to every one of the State & Country and also making them know about the worse effect of the pollution.
Come, join hands and save our planet.